My consultation rate is $50 an hour. Our first hour is always free for new customers! Click for details, including how we might work together for free!
The title of that short story is Okay Google, what year is it?, and the orb you see is some nearby year's equivalent to the amazing Amazon Echo, except it uses quiet drone and magnetic stops technologies to float about your house, answering any question, turning on and off million colored micro LEDs under your feet and overhead as you walk along the heavily corridored apartments of the future.
What should I do with my life? These are 10 answers I gave, in no particular order of importance. I assume that the conversants are all already subject to the normal propaganda and ideologically-coercive forces that society offers, and so I try to sidestep major social, religious, political, or diversity oriented issues. Instead I try to remind them that we are all the same: a ambulatory pile of connected universal elements with the miraculous evolutionary gift of self-awareness.
I will likely write about my new path once a week or once a month. I'll share photos when appropriate, I think my work will change, but I still love to help people and teach. When people heard about my new adventure, they told me to capture and journal the adventure. This writing is for them as well as for me. Thanks to all of my friends for understanding and trusting that I have not lost my mind, I just let go of my stuff.