Image via Wikipedia Event: Brookdale Computer Users Group general monthly meeting Date: Friday, December 17th, 2010 Venue: Brookdale Community College Abstract: In this session, I […] BCUG: An overview of 365 Sketches2010-12-17 in professional activities / professional experience / technology tagged Graphics / Inkscape / Open source / Typography / Vector Based / Workflow by lemsy (updated 1626 days ago)
I just realized that I never really properly introduced myself. I’m John. tags: introduction, sticker, hello, how do you do, Inkscape, design. 365, sketches, open […] Hello my name is by John LeMasney via #cc ...2010-12-10 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / GIMP / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Languages / Modules / Open source / OpenSource / Programming / Python / sharism / Workflow by lemsy (updated 1626 days ago)
To all of you who have helped me to make this project a success this year, to all of you who have helped me mourn the passing of my mom, and to all of you who have shared a kind thought or helped me out just when I needed it most, thank you. Happy holidays and the best of the new year to you all. 347 of 365 is a holiday greeting to you2010-12-08 in Illustration / Inkscape / portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / GIMP / Holidays / Inkscape / Mental health / Open source / portfolio / Python / switch / Typography / Workflow by lemsy (updated 1623 days ago)
So, you have likely heard the saying that the pen in mightier than the sword. You can make your own joke here if you’d […] 335 of 365 are brass knuckles with pen nibs #Inkscape ...2010-11-26 in portfolio tagged Arts / Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Graphics / Inkscape / New Jersey / Open source / portfolio / quotes / sharing / Vector Based / Workflow by lemsy (updated 1626 days ago)
I don’t know that I can explain how I came up with this, except to say that there are sometimes people in this world who […] A comb made of people by John LeMasney via ...2010-11-25 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / fun / Inkscape / John LeMasney / New Jersey / Open source / portfolio / Workflow by lemsy (updated 1626 days ago)
2 I don’t think I’ll be traveling overseas anytime soon. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I think it is ludicrous to have to […] 331 of 365 is x-rayted #Inkscape #bird2010-11-22 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / GIMP / Graphics / Inkscape / New Jersey / Open source / portfolio / Programming / sharism / Shopping / switch / United States / Vector Based / Workflow by lemsy (updated 1626 days ago)