So this is an image of a girl I found at Morguefile, and I used the clone and smudge tools to erase her face. A […] An erased face by John LeMasney via #cc #illustration ...2011-04-17 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / GIMP / Google / Graphics / Image Editing / Inkscape / John LeMasney / memory / MorgueFile / postaday2011 / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1704 days ago)
It’s incredibly hard to forget certain moments in your life, and I’m very happy for that sometimes. tags: memory, reminder, note, lemasney, 365, postaday2011, daily, […] 23 of 365 is a memory #GIMP2011-01-23 in portfolio tagged daily / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Image Editing / Languages / lemasney / memory / open / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / Programming / sharing by lemsy (updated 3898 days ago)
4 Sometimes we do what we want instead of what we should. Sometimes we even deeply enjoy it. I do it, you do it, and the […] To err is human, to repent divine, to persist, devilish. ...2011-01-16 in brand / consulting / design principles / Illustration / Inkscape / insights / portfolio / research interests / teaching tagged GIMP / GNU / life / memory / Open source / postaday2011 / sharing / Typography by lemsy (updated 1698 days ago)
2 Lately I’ve been remembering my mother by sketching objects in Inkscape that remind me of her. My mom worked on a heavy duty sewing […] 316 of 365 is a pair of scissors #Inkscape #drawing2010-11-08 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Drawing / Graphics / Inkscape / memory / New Jersey / Open source / portfolio / scissors / Tools / Vector Based / wacom by lemsy (updated 1705 days ago)
1 We buried mom today. If there’s one thing that stands out about my common experience with her, it is a mutual appreciation of great food. She […] Fork by John LeMasney via #Inkscape #drawing #food #cc2010-11-06 in Illustration / portfolio tagged cooking / Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Drawing / Family / Food / GIMP / Google / Home / Inkscape / John LeMasney / memory / New Jersey / Open source / sharism / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1704 days ago)