So Phil Shapiro, a regular commenter and visitor to this project, suggested a sketch for a volunteer project that promotes play. That’s right — an […] 216 of 365 is a Takoma Plays bumper sticker [design] ...2010-07-25 in portfolio / requests tagged art / eyedropper tool / ideas / Inkscape / Poetry / portfolio / Recreation / Twitter / United States by lemsy (updated 3877 days ago)
4 I myself had a rough time with sports through my life. I really was a very bad baseball player, and had some success with basketball. […] 215 of 365 is a field of dreams [illustration] Inkscape ...2010-07-24 in portfolio / requests tagged eyedropper tool / ideas / Inkscape / Node Tool / portfolio / Shopping by lemsy (updated 3877 days ago)
So, those of you who are friends of mine on Facebook (lemasney) saw a status after my recent night flight home from Orlando. I said […] 214 of 365 is lightning outside the airplane [illustration] #Inkscape2010-07-23 in portfolio tagged Facebook / Graphics / ideas / Image / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Node Tool / Online Communities / portfolio / Social Networking / Tutorial / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 3877 days ago)
Andy Woodworth, a NJ Librarian and friend, suggested a part of the response to his tweet to the recently retired Old Spice Guy (OSG), a […] 213 of 365 is a pentaptych about the Old Spice ...2010-07-22 in portfolio / requests tagged art / Business / Inkscape / Librarian / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / New Jersey / Peanut butter / Wikipedia by lemsy (updated 1683 days ago)
4 I recently came across a detailed DIY article on creating a coffee can lantern, and thought it was a great opportunity to see one’s design […] A pattern for a coffee can lantern by John LeMasney ...2010-07-21 in portfolio tagged Apple / Beverages / Business / Coffee / Do it yourself / Food / Food and Related Products / GIMP / Google / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Public library / Shopping / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1683 days ago)
4 clipping and masking in Inkscape tutorial This is a video that came out of the recent workshop series on Inkscape I’m giving. I was asked […] Clipping and Masking in #Inkscape [tutorial]2010-07-20 in consulting tagged Adobe Illustrator / art / Calligraphy / GIMP / Google / Graphics / ideas / Image / Inkscape / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 3877 days ago)