Syria Relief

Syria Relief Letter
Syria Relief Letter

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
The unrest in Syria has not subsided; more churches have been burnt, more people are killed and many more are forced to leave their homes. In addition to this misery, kidnapping of our people for ransom increased. Your contributions, which were sent to our Syriac people, were greatly appreciated by the recipients who needed them badly. With the donations that you and other churches will give, our Church in Syria will be able to serve our community better in providing food, shelter and other basic necessities.

With the coming of Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, we can’t help but remind you that your brothers and sisters in Syria will not have the chance to celebrate any of these events, due to the horrible conditions they’re going through. We are appealing to your generosity and Christian love, and asking you to contribute to a special collection at your church. We will channel your contributions, as usual, through our International Christian Outreach (Suryoyo Relief Fund) directly to our Churches in Syria.

We ask the Prince of peace to bless you in the coming Holy celebrations of Christmas and New Year, and send peace and tranquility to our people throughout the World.