Regarding the linguistic tricks of YouTube stars: I've always noticed that the YouTube stars all have the same kind of enthusiastic, bouncy pitch. A linguist was asked about it. Here's the story! The Linguistic Tricks of YouTube Stars2015-12-10 in consulting tagged United States / YouTube by lemsy (updated 1721 days ago)
On the connections between middle fingers and chi. cc-by lemasney The Chi of a Middle Finger2015-11-20 in insights tagged Bread / Energy / IOS / Microsoft Windows / United States by lemsy (updated 1719 days ago)
Review: Shepard Fairey on Jasper Johns at the Philadelphia Museum of Art by lemasney Review: Shepard Fairey on Jasper Johns at the Philadelphia Museum ...2015-10-15 in brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / honors / insights / open source / photography / professional activities / research interests / teaching experience tagged New York City / United States by lemsy (updated 1720 days ago)
bellybuttons dont get nearly enough love cc-by lemasney Belly buttons don’t get nearly enough love. – John LeMasney2015-09-03 in consulting / design principles / Illustration / insights / portfolio tagged love / United States by lemsy (updated 1721 days ago)
I’ve been traveling a lot lately. I have been traveling, and just came home, and walked in, and it’s joyous. I decided to make a […] Things I miss from home when I’m traveling.2015-04-05 in classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / professional activities / professional experience tagged Home / Raspberry Pi / United States / Wi-Fi by lemsy (updated 3645 days ago)
1 On the Artist in Society Tonight, I had the opportunity to see the first of 8 films offered as a series on the artist in […] “Art and Craft”, from the PPL Film Series, “The Artist ...2014-07-08 in affiliations / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / libraries / professional activities / professional experience / research interests tagged Princeton Public Library / United States by lemsy (updated 1721 days ago)