Any of you who know me know very well that I am drinking the Goog-Aid. I believe in the company, give them the benefit […] On why I use the Google Ecosphere: 10 things I ...2013-03-31 in classes and presentations / consulting / insights tagged Android / Facebook / Google / Open source / Operating system / YouTube by lemsy (updated 1721 days ago)
When I was 12 years old, my mom saw that computers might be something I’d be interested in and that it might be an important […] 20121112: Procrastination loop in basic by John LeMasney via ...2012-11-12 in Illustration / portfolio tagged Android / gaming / Inkscape / IOS / John LeMasney / Operating system / Princeton University / Public library / technology by lemsy (updated 1721 days ago)
3 DATE/TIME: Oct 23 2012 – 7:00pm – 9:00pm LOCATION: Community Room, Princeton Public Library Technologists John LeMasney and Khürt Williams will debate the merits of […] John LeMasney: Android vs. iOS Smackdown at PPL, October 20122012-10-21 in affiliations / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / teaching experience / technology tagged Android / Apple / art / Google / IOS / John LeMasney / Operating system / Princeton Public Library / Princeton University by lemsy (updated 1721 days ago)
1 Day 203: A magical thing happened #Inkscape2011-07-22 in portfolio tagged Business / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / Operating system / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics by lemsy
Day 202: In memoriam for my cloudy lens #Inkscape2011-07-21 in consulting tagged Business / Google / Google SketchUp / Health / Inkscape / OpenSource / Operating system / postaday2011 / Ubuntu by lemsy
Day 199: spiral formation #Inkscape2011-07-18 in portfolio tagged Business / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / Operating system / postaday2011 / Ubuntu / United States by lemsy