4 Another in an on and off series of animals made of text. Links to the others follow. If you like it, please share it with […] A frog made of text by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org ...2010-09-09 in portfolio / requests tagged Animation / Arts / Facebook / Free / Gradient tool / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Node Tool / portfolio / Python / Text Tool / Twitter / Typography by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
1 So, here is the result of a surprisingly positive response to my recent text based Giraffe sketch (linked below) which contains a tutorial for this […] 261 of 365 is an armadillo made out of text ...2010-09-09 in portfolio / requests tagged Games / Google / Inkscape / Languages / Node Tool / Text-Based / Typography / Video Games by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
2 If you see someone making a statement of supposed fact based entirely on personal experience, let them know that it makes them look like an […] 259 of 365 is against prejudice #design #typography #inkscape2010-09-06 in portfolio tagged Google / Gradient tool / ideas / Inkscape / Node Tool / portfolio / Text Tool / Typography by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
2 It's not so much that I'm connected as addicted. It’s not so much that I’m connected as addicted.2010-08-28 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / Inkscape / instructional technology / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience tagged Google / Gradient tool / ideas / Inkscape / Node Tool / portfolio / Text Tool / Typography by lemsy (updated 1668 days ago)
4 I myself had a rough time with sports through my life. I really was a very bad baseball player, and had some success with basketball. […] 215 of 365 is a field of dreams [illustration] Inkscape ...2010-07-24 in portfolio / requests tagged eyedropper tool / ideas / Inkscape / Node Tool / portfolio / Shopping by lemsy (updated 3880 days ago)
So, those of you who are friends of mine on Facebook (lemasney) saw a status after my recent night flight home from Orlando. I said […] 214 of 365 is lightning outside the airplane [illustration] #Inkscape2010-07-23 in portfolio tagged Facebook / Graphics / ideas / Image / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Node Tool / Online Communities / portfolio / Social Networking / Tutorial / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 3880 days ago)