2 Annihilation in Anaheim, ALA Battledecks 2012 visual branding cc-by lemasney #creativecommons #design #cc-by #libraries Annihilation in Anaheim, ALA Battledecks 2012 visual branding cc-by lemasney ...2012-12-14 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / honors / Illustration / libraries / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / references / requests / technology tagged cc-by / Creative Commons / Design / gaming / GIMP / Graphics / Home / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney / Libraries / Open source / Scalable Vector Graphics / Typography / wedding / Wikipedia / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
I recently worked very closely with Julie Strange on a library program’s visual branding project that focused on the ideas of exploration, new horizons, and breaking […] DEAL: A library visual branding collaboration2012-08-16 in affiliations / honors / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / technology tagged JavaScript / Languages / Librarian / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / Microsoft / Programming / Python by lemsy
2 For Andy Woodworth and anybody else who’s ever helped someone to gain information literacy. Day 145: For Q&A NJ, a virtual reference service in ...2011-05-25 in portfolio / requests tagged Google SketchUp / Inkscape / Libraries / Library and Information Science / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Tutorial by lemsy
4 I got approached a while ago by none other than two of my favorite Librarians, Julie Strange and Andy Woodworth, about the idea […] 361 of 365 is a wordmark design #Inkscape2010-12-22 in portfolio / requests tagged Beer / Business / Cataract / Creative Commons / Design / Glasses / Inkscape / Libraries / New Jersey / Open source / portfolio / Typography by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
Here is the slide deck for our talk: TEDx and Libraries: A Partnership for Community Engagement, Presented by Peter Bromberg, Janie Hermann and John LeMasney […] TEDx and Libraries: A Partnership for Community Engagement2010-10-27 in affiliations / professional activities / professional experience tagged John LeMasney / Libraries / Library and Information Science / Public library / TEDx / United States by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
6 This is a love letter to libraries everywhere for all they offer: information about the mechanical world, music and audio media, videos and movies, information […] 283 of 365 is a love letter to #libraries #design #Inkscape2010-10-05 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / ideas / Inkscape / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / life / living / Open source / portfolio by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)