1 I love the five-ten egg. It’s a hard-boiled egg that leaves the yolk just a bit soft and the outside done. Simply boil water, drop […] Arduino Based Five Ten Egg Timer2014-08-14 in consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / instructional technology / libraries / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / technology tagged Arduino / Hardware / John LeMasney by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Good control design in a system allows for the ease of use for new users (beginners) or complex, customizable use by seasoned users (experts). A […] 26 of 365: Control #design principle2014-01-26 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / insights / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / technology tagged Business / Business and Economy / Coca Cola / Design / Hardware / John LeMasney / New Jersey / United States / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
This is an infographic I made to try to explain the simplicity of the approach I used in order to lose my hundred pounds. […] The Three Necessary Gauges of Fitness #infographic2013-02-27 in insights / photography tagged Business / Hardware / Religion and Spirituality by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Day 188: USB is everything #GIMP2011-07-07 in portfolio tagged GIMP / Hardware / postaday2011 / Universal Serial Bus by lemsy
2 So for the second time in this project’s history, I jumped ahead in my day-of-year numbering, and blissfully continued with the extra count for months. […] Day 108: I have no idea how to count #Inkscape2011-04-18 in portfolio / requests tagged Creative Commons / Hardware / Inkscape / Open source / postaday2011 / Queens of the Stone Age / radiohead / Wikipedia by lemsy (updated 3880 days ago)
Late Night Television calls you to obey cc-by lemasney Late Night Television calls you to obey cc-by lemasney2010-04-30 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / insights / portfolio / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience tagged Arts / Hardware / IOS / IPhone / Television / Video by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)