2 And sometimes, you're quickly reminded why you built that dark, thick wall in the first place. On emotional walls cc-by lemasney And sometimes, you’re quickly reminded why you built that dark, ...2011-02-18 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / insights / portfolio / research interests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / emotion / Fear / GNU / GPL / Graphics / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1708 days ago)
4 So, this is essentially an inside joke between some old friends. However, I think you can appreciate it from a general point of view too. […] 48 of 365 is a pair of squirrels #GIMP2011-02-17 in portfolio / requests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / Image Editing / lemasney / Open source / Photo manipulation / postaday2011 / princeton / Recreation / Rider / sharing / WordPress by lemsy (updated 3901 days ago)
4 I used GIMP to make an idea I had earlier today as I was slashing through piles of email that have less and less relevance […] 47 of 365 is technology haiku #GIMP #fail2011-02-16 in portfolio tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / lemasney / New Jersey / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / Princeton University by lemsy (updated 3901 days ago)
Here we have a man on fire. A poetic, metaphoric, and timely self-portrait. In the GIMP, I imported the silhouetted image of the man, […] 46 of 365 is a man on fire #GIMP2011-02-16 in portfolio tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / FAQs Help and Tutorials / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / Image / Image Editing / Open source / postaday2011 / wacom by lemsy (updated 4071 days ago)
I hope you all had a wonderful valentine’s day. tags: valentine, 365, lemasney, sharing, daily, open source, creative commons, GNU, GPL, CC-SA, postaday2011 45 of 365 is a valentine #Inkscape2011-02-14 in portfolio tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / daily / GNU / GPL / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / sharing by lemsy (updated 3901 days ago)
6 It is likely that I am just upset that it’s not a TiVo remote, but I really think this remote has some incredible design flaws. […] A review of the Verizon FIOS remote by John LeMasney ...2011-02-13 in portfolio tagged art / cc-sa / Creative Commons / daily / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Languages / lemasney / Library / Open source / OpenSource / portfolio / postaday2011 / Programming / Vector Based / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1708 days ago)