I used GIMP to make an idea I had earlier today as I was slashing through piles of email that have less and less relevance […]

Here we have a man on fire. A poetic, metaphoric, and timely self-portrait. In the GIMP, I imported the silhouetted image of the man, […]
46 of 365 is a man on fire #GIMP
I hope you all had a wonderful valentine’s day. tags: valentine, 365, lemasney, sharing, daily, open source, creative commons, GNU, GPL, CC-SA, postaday2011
45 of 365 is a valentine #Inkscape

It is likely that I am just upset that it’s not a TiVo remote, but I really think this remote has some incredible design flaws. […]
A review of the Verizon FIOS remote by John LeMasney ...
So, Janie Hermann and another couple of friends have birthdays today. I just wanted to make a special commemoration to her and the […]
43 of 365 is a birthday wish #GIMP
Laura Hyatt, who is basically synonymous in my mind with sustainable practice at Rider University, recently approached me about a cool project. She […]