
About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

What I love about Google Calendar thumbnail and title
Number two of fifty-two is on one of my essential tools for productivity, time management, customer relationship management, task and to-do, and scheduling, Google Calendar! This was prompted by a conversation I was having with Ben Bakelaar and Peter Bromberg on Facebook about what I use for productivity and time management, and I said Google Calendar. When I got some feedback that their experience was less than stellar, I decided to share a screenshot of my GCal

What I love about Google Calendar: Productivity abundance cc-by lemasney

LeMasney Consulting Logo 2015
Are you happy with your online presence? If you've worked with me, you know how much I love helping businesses get started. You need a few things for the digital side, and a few things on the real-life side. I have helped thousands of people with technology, and a lot of them are pleased. Take a look at the Testimonials page for more on what people are saying. Then consider our Small Business Starter Package!

Branding Starter Package: What if it was easy?

What I love about inkscape thumbnail and title
Learn how to design your own original waveform tattoo with Inkscape, Audacity, and Linux! In this, the first of 52 planned videos for 2016, John LeMasney starts off the "What I love about..." series with a true love of his: Inkscape, the open source vector illustration application

What I love about Inkscape cc-by lemasney (1/52)