I always like to keep an open mind about people. When we start saying why do all X do Y, we are potentially revealing our biases […] 158 of 365 is a generalization and gender bias warning ...2010-05-29 in portfolio tagged Games / GIMP / Inkscape / John LeMasney / McDonald / Scalable Vector Graphics / Vector graphics / Video Games by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
2 I saw this great post on Lifehacker (at http://lifehacker.com/5543914/do-not-covet-your-ideas) that I feel clarifies a big part of why I’m doing this project. This quote belongs […] Do not covet your ideas by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org ...2010-05-27 in portfolio tagged Advocacy / Articles / Creative Commons / Creative Commons licenses / CrunchBase / Directories / GIMP / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney / open / Open source / sharing / Twitter / Typography / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
12 Peter Bromberg, a very good friend, suggested using a Tragically Hip lyric as a basis for a sketch. Would you be willing to create a […] 156 of 365 is the Tragically Hip in #Inkscape #lyric2010-05-26 in portfolio / requests tagged Business / Calligraphy / Facebook / Inkscape / Online Communities / Social Networking / Web Design and Development by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
12 The message here is a simple one — if you need a clear answer, a library is a great place to start. You may notice […] 155 of 365 is a nod to #libraries in #Inkscape ...2010-05-25 in portfolio tagged Design / Font / Graphics / Inkscape by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
This is another quirky look at what happens when you take one ordinary object and another ordinary object and put them together in an unexpected […] 154 of 365 is a trio of flying armchairs in ...2010-05-24 in portfolio tagged Arts / Calligraphy / Gradient tool / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Vector Based / Visual Arts by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
I really love the new spraypaint tool in Inkscape’s 0.48 beta, likely to be released this summer. I’ve begun using it quite a bit to […] 153 of 365 is a lot of bubbles in #Inkscape2010-05-23 in portfolio tagged Calligraphy / Face / Gradient tool / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Shopping / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)