Ten things to consider before you take your first backpacking hike cc-by lemasney Hiking Trip: 10 things to consider before your first2016-08-22 in curriculum vitae / insights / photography / research interests tagged Fear / howto / Virginia by lemsy (updated 1718 days ago)
2 I am changing the way that I choose to live, cc-by lemasney I’m changing the way that I choose to live cc-by ...2016-02-21 in consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / insights / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology tagged love / technology / Virginia by lemsy (updated 1724 days ago)
The Blue Ridge Mountains are beautiful. I get to see them several times a year, as my in laws live in Virginia in the […] 292 of 365 is a scenic vista #Inkscape #design2010-10-14 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / Family / idea / Inkscape / Open source / type / Typography / United States / Virginia by lemsy (updated 1724 days ago)
So this is a portrait of my son, David, from a photo of him I took during a trip to Virginia. He’s such a […] 290 of 365 is a portrait of David #Inkscape2010-10-12 in portfolio tagged art / Arts / Bodypainting / Creative Commons / Design / Graphics / idea / Inkscape / Open source / painting / sharism / Vector Based / Virginia by lemsy (updated 1724 days ago)