Phil Shapiro, a long time supporter of this project, who contacts me regularly about Inkscape related stories and sites. He recently contacted me and […] 296 of 365 is one definition of life #Inkscape @philshapiro2010-10-18 in portfolio / requests tagged art / Color / Creative Commons / Design / Font / Graphics / idea / Inkscape / life / living / Open source / portfolio / type / Typography / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
6 This is a love letter to libraries everywhere for all they offer: information about the mechanical world, music and audio media, videos and movies, information […] 283 of 365 is a love letter to #libraries #design #Inkscape2010-10-05 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / ideas / Inkscape / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / life / living / Open source / portfolio by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
I’m always excited when I can get my inbox down to 100 messages or less. I don;t do it often, but when I do, I […] 256 of 365 is on email and productivity #typography #design ...2010-09-03 in portfolio tagged Arts / Companies / Gradient tool / ideas / Inkscape / life / living / portfolio / Text Tool / Typography by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)