A while back, I decided to go into GIMP and create an image of me and my sons, but to overlap our faces, and merge them at the eyes, nose, and mouth. It's a simple trick, really... Two photos of me and my sons together.2020-07-16 in brand / consulting / design principles / Illustration / insights / open source / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / technology tagged Family / GIMP / Photography by lemsy (updated 1619 days ago)
5 Karen Sue, who I’ve not yet met but consider a friend and supporter of this project, asked if I could take a pole […] 7 of 365 is a family with rainbow #GIMP2011-01-08 in portfolio tagged Arts and Entertainment / Creative Commons / Family / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Open source / photo / portfolio / postaday2011 / sharing / Television / Tutorial by lemsy (updated 3818 days ago)
1 We buried mom today. If there’s one thing that stands out about my common experience with her, it is a mutual appreciation of great food. She […] Fork by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #Inkscape #drawing #food #cc2010-11-06 in Illustration / portfolio tagged cooking / Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Drawing / Family / Food / GIMP / Google / Home / Inkscape / John LeMasney / memory / New Jersey / Open source / sharism / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1624 days ago)
6 So later today (this is yesterday’s sketch) we’re going to say our final goodbyes to mom. She was a beautiful woman in lots of […] 313 of 365 is a portrait of my mom #Inkscape2010-11-05 in portfolio tagged Coffee / Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Family / GIMP / Graphics / Home / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Open source by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
As regular followers know, I lost my mom on Sunday. I imagine a lot of my remaining 2010 sketches will be influenced in some […] 311 of 365 is a peppermill #Inkscape #drawing #food2010-11-02 in portfolio tagged cooking / Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Drawing / Family / Home / Inkscape / New Jersey / Open source / portfolio / Shopping by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
2 This was a simple exercise where I thought about the design concept of intertwined text, and thought about how that reflected my relationship with my […] 302 of 365 is about us #Inkscape #typography2010-10-25 in portfolio tagged art / Creative Commons / Design / Family / Inkscape / Open source / sharism / text by lemsy (updated 3818 days ago)