There is so much possibility in an open space. Tags: emptiness, zen, life, opportunity, GNU, GPL, Open Source, GIMP, WordPress, LeMasney, 365, postaday2011, […]
Long after you’re gone, the cockroaches will roam the planet. tags: roach, GNU, GPL, GIMP, open source, Creative Commons, CC-SA, lemasney, WordPress, postaday2011
58 of 365 is a survivor #GIMP

I decided to update my Facebook profile picture to commemorate my transition from Rider to Princeton. I wanted to show the growth and possibility of Princeton, capture the new start that it provides, and the glory of working at one of the finest universities in the world.
57 of 365 is a tribute to a new start ...

One of my favorite zen quotes. tags: Roethke, coincidence, cosmic, karma, GNU, GPL, GIMP, Open source, Creative Commons, CC-SA, sharing, lemasney, WordPress, postaday2011, 365 Related […]
On the dance of convergence by John LeMasney via ...
For spinal tap fans, and fans of volume everywhere. tags: volume, spinal tap, GNU, GPL, GIMP, open source, creative commons, CC-SA, WordPress, lemasney, postaday2011
55 of 365 is a volume control #GIMP
So I was looking through past sketches, and I came across an effect that I had done in Inkscape that adapts well (better […]