On the connections between middle fingers and chi. cc-by lemasney The Chi of a Middle Finger2015-11-20 in insights tagged Bread / Energy / IOS / Microsoft Windows / United States by lemsy (updated 1624 days ago)
2 I really love the truth in this quote by Oscar Wilde on the difference between living and existing: “To live is the rarest thing in […] On living #illustration2013-04-12 in curriculum vitae / insights tagged Bread / Illustration / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney.com / Peanut butter by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
2 This is a design for a recipe template for granola cc-by lemasney How to make granola: a recipe template cc-by lemasney2013-04-05 in curriculum vitae / insights tagged Bread / Cook / Food / Health / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney.com / Nutrition / Peanut butter / United States by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
4 Just yesterday, I posted a quick illustration of one of my favorite everyday foods: 4 Ingredient bread. Every time I looked at it today, I […] A variant on the 4 ingredient bread illustration2013-04-02 in brand / curriculum vitae / insights tagged Bread / Cook / Home / United States by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
1 Four ingredient bread by lemasney Four ingredient bread by lemasney2013-04-01 in curriculum vitae / insights tagged Bread / Calorie / Cook / graphic design / Home / John LeMasney / Peanut butter by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
10 Baking your own bread As I have said here before, I really love bread. I am beginning to actually practice my recent preach of baking […] A very simple bread2013-03-18 in insights / photography tagged Bread / Calorie / Recipe / Tablespoon by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)