Rider University Intramural Championships 42 of 365 is a logo for Rider University Intramural ...2011-02-11 in portfolio / requests tagged lemasney / portfolio / Rider University / Typography by lemsy (updated 1623 days ago)
Laura Hyatt, who is basically synonymous in my mind with sustainable practice at Rider University, recently approached me about a cool project. She […] 41 of 365 is an emblem for classroom sustainability #Inkscape2011-02-10 in consulting tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Inkscape / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / Rider University / sharing / Typography by lemsy (updated 3818 days ago)
2 A photomanipulated mouth by lemasney 40 of 365 is a photo manipulated mouth2011-02-10 in brand / design principles / Illustration / photography / portfolio / requests tagged GIMP / Graphics / Image / Image Editing / lemasney / Open source / Photo manipulation / portfolio / sharing by lemsy (updated 1623 days ago)
I recently decided to jump-start submissions for requests on 365 by asking for random captions and titles for pieces. This isn’t my idea. The […] 39 of 365 is a life, swallowed #Inkscape2011-02-08 in portfolio / requests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / Design / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Inkscape / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / Programming / sharing / Typography by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
This is a lilting, ending refrain from one of my favorite songs. Karma Police, from Radiohead’s revolutionary album, OK Computer. The lyric lays over an […] 38 of 365 is a refrain from Radiohead’s Karma Police ...2011-02-07 in portfolio / requests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / radiohead / sharing / Typography by lemsy (updated 1625 days ago)
I have a friend who has started saying this to me after every other sentence just because it makes me laugh to hear […] 37 of 365 is a common phrase #GIMP2011-02-06 in portfolio tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / daily / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / Image Editing / lemasney / Open source / Photo manipulation / portfolio / sharing by lemsy (updated 3818 days ago)