30 of 365: Depth of Processing design principle

30 of 365 - Depth of Processing design principle by John LeMasney via lemasney.com
30 of 365 – Depth of Processing design principle by John LeMasney via lemasney.com

Depth of Processing is a design theory in which it is believed that when information is analyzed more deeply, the information is more likely to be retained. Instruction sheets that are more complex and analytical are more likely to retained than more superficial ones.

In this illustration, I wanted to do some wireframes of a learning object, showing an increasing likelihood of information retention due to the more analytical thinking required to process it.

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About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

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