So continuing the collaborative disgusting book titles series, Iddrise made me snarf my milk with a book idea that focused on 108 keys to success for […] 20111116: Disgusting book titles: The Sedentary Secretary Diet Plan by ...2012-11-16 in Illustration / portfolio / requests tagged Android / art / Brian Kelley / Coffee / Google / Health / Inkscape / John LeMasney / McDonald / Mental health / Public library / Television / United States / YouTube by lemsy (updated 3833 days ago)
The two most important days in your life are: The day you are born, and the day when you find out why. – Mark Twain 20111115: Twain on importance by John LeMasney via #design ...2012-11-16 in Illustration / portfolio tagged Arts / Coordinated Universal Time / gaming / quotes by lemsy (updated 1707 days ago)