For spinal tap fans, and fans of volume everywhere. tags: volume, spinal tap, GNU, GPL, GIMP, open source, creative commons, CC-SA, WordPress, lemasney, postaday2011
So I was looking through past sketches, and I came across an effect that I had done in Inkscape that adapts well (better […]
54 of 365 is a fiery line #GIMP
I don’t have anything to add to this. It’s so very true. tags: quote, miller, lemasney, 365, WordPress, sharing, postaday2011, open source, Creative […]
53 of 365 is on the aim of life. #GIMP
In case anyone still doesn’t know, I’m leaving my long-term position at Rider at the end of this week to begin work at […]
52 of 365 is a farewell note #GIMP
It’s so true. This is Sunday’s sketch. I’ll have another one for y’all later. Tags: aspiration, sleep, schedule, GNU, GPL, open source, Inkscape, […]
51 of 365 is about aspiration #Inkscape
Sometimes the truth is enough. tags: truth, honesty, revelation, GIMP, GNU, GPL, open source, Creative Commons, CC-SA, lemasney, 365, WordPress, postaday2011