Please excuse the brainfart in the middle of the screencast where I give up on moving the text box over. 🙂
All better Take a look at the screencast to hear the story of how this happened, and how to clean a wound using […]
70 of 365 is on the cleaning of a wound ...
I’ve decided that I’m going to try to do a screencast for each sketch to better explain the process. Let’s see how far I get.
69 of 365 is a man of many words #Inkscape
I have found that listening is the key to great relationships of all kinds. Do you know? tags: morguefile, layers, listening, GNU, GPL, […]
68 of 365 is a listening board #GIMP
Right now, I feel a lot of potential, a lot of tense energy about to release and surface and blossom. Can you feel […]
67 of 365 is a balloon about to break through ...
There are many reasons that I advocate for Free and Open Source Software, but among my top reasons is that it will never […]