
English: WordPress Logo

English: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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So the bulk of the work that I do in development is with WordPress, and often it is a case in which we are moving from a site that was traditionally developed, in PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS using something like Dreamweaver or (gulp) FrontPage. The existing site is typically abandoned or underused because of the learning curve associated with using those tools, and the cost of having someone do it for you. A big part of my business is empowering businesses to manage their own sites easily.

WordPress is beautiful for a few reasons, but chief among them is the ease with which I can migrate the site, and the low learning curve associated with using the system for a new user. If a user can write an email, I am confident that I can teach them how to post with WordPress in about 15 minutes.

Only one issue remains. Very often the existing site is on a host that is not set up properly for hosting WordPress. It needs a very basic set of cooperative standards-based technologies, called the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). HostGator has it, and others sometimes don’t.

With this in mind, I have become an affiliate for HostGator, and ask that you consider clicking the link or the linked image below if you are looking for a great host at a great price that supports WordPress out-of-the-box. Even if you decide to not use WordPress, HostGator can take care of your domain and hosting needs.

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