A weight loss expert who I was helping with a technology issue set told me last night, after reviewing my food diary, that I should not […]

So on Sunday last, my boys and I went on an unexpected adventure. It started with an afternoon, and ended in a months long project […]
The Black Walnut project
So, I’ve reached two almost simultaneous milestones I wanted to tell you about. The first milestone is that I reached 250 pounds. That means that […]
A pair of milestones, and some insights into how I ...
Had a great breakfast to celebrate 9 months with Melissa. I cut two ears of corn, included leftovers from last night’s curried cauliflower with tomatoes […]
Breakfast today, for Melissa.
I had my 39th birthday yesterday. It was a very good one. I’m on my way to physio-mental health. Evidence of the physical part is above, […]
A reflection of my progress so far…
So I had a great hand-made veggieburger at work the other day, with fresh toppings and a juicy orange as a side. Then, tonight, I […]