What I love about Destination Dogs and New Brunswick, NJ (3/52) cc-by lemasney

Hey, friends! It’s John and this time I’m talking about my visit to Destination Dogs, a travel themed restaurant that does some pretty amazing things with sausages. It’s in New Brunswick, NJ, and I talk a little bit about why I love that too!

About Destination Dogs in New Brunswick, NJ

This delicious restaurant in New Brunswick, NJ (http://www.destinationdogs.com/) serves up international flavors using the universal language of sausage. It’s in a great (if windy) small city along Route 1 in New Jersey on the Northern side. In the video, their house chips, house baked pretzel, and two hot dogs are featured. Then we move to a corner and ponder the beauty of clouds. You’ll enjoy it if you try! The music in this week’s video isĀ Gold cc-by Artificial and 40A via Soundcloud’s commons group. I felt like it added just the right kind of vibe to this hip and tasty topic. This video is creative commons licensed as well, cc-by lemasney, and you can use it as you wish, even commercially, if you attribute me.

I would love the opportunity to help you, wherever you are, whenever you are ready. I always enjoy talking with groups and individuals on topics like technology, training, open source, and design. If there is some way that I can help you with these and related topics, please contact lemasney at lemasney@gmail.com, 609 553 9498 or https://doodle.com/lemasney Let’s do something great together! This content is released under a creative commons attribution license, some rights reserved. cc-by lemasney

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This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

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