Please don’t forget to fill out the survey cc-by lemasney

please dont forget to fill out the survey cc-by lemasney
please dont forget to fill out the survey cc-by lemasney

Very often, at the end of a class, I’m supposed to offer a survey on the behalf of my host. Also very often, at the end of a class, there’s some questions and thoughts from the audience that may take precedence over a ‘proper’ close (“Thank you, good night, drive safe!”) and invitation to fill out the survey. Other times, well, I just forget in the moment of relief that things went well, etc.

There are a few things that always tend to show up in my presentation decks, like a thank you slide, an agenda slide, and social connection reminder slides. I am making this image so that I can create a standard reminder slide for a survey, right before the thank you slide. This also means that I made a survey for times when my host is not asking for one: something I really should have been doing anyway, given the incredible importance of feedback. And here it is, my 3 question customer service feedback survey! You can even use it to give me feedback anonymously on this post, and thanks in advance for the insight.

A presentation without a chance to fill in the survey is like a web site without analytics.

Without it, how do you know how you are doing?  I have been incredibly touched by some comments (take a look at my testimonials for some kind words about my work) and others that corrected me, or gave me a different way of thinking. Insights are incredibly valuable, and surveys are loaded with them.

This illustration was made in the open source digital illustration application Inkscape, as are most of the pieces on this site. This work is licensed Creative Commons – By lemasney, which means that you can use it as you wish, even commercially, as long as you credit me.

Maybe you have a phrase that you’d like to see illustrated like this one? It’s easy! Just contact me at to start the conversation.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: to discuss your next creative project.

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