151 of 365 is a form for disgruntled photographers in #Inkscape #design for @girlpluscamera 10

A form for disinterested designers
Image by lemasney via Flickr
Form for disgruntled photographers by John LeMasney via http://lemasney.com/consulting/

Form for disgruntled photographers by John LeMasney via http://lemasney.com

So, after the TEDxNJLIbraries event on May 7th, I was at the post event dinner with the cast and crew, and I was sitting next to Girl+Camera LLC herself, M. Elizabeth Williams.

I gave a preview of my upcoming show pieces after the event ended while the tapas and wine tasting was going on.  She had seen my piece called “Form for disgruntled designers” in which I faithfully recorded all of the ways in which designers are often given short shrift in projects because many of the project leaders feel like okay design and great design and no design at all are the same thing, and are all effortless, and should all be free.

Elizabeth (who did our event as an in-kind sponsor, essentially for free) really loved the design and said that she’d love to have one about photography. I told her that my project, in great part, was about requests and fulfillment, and that I’d love to make it for her. I hope you enjoy it, Elizabeth!

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

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10 thoughts on “151 of 365 is a form for disgruntled photographers in #Inkscape #design for @girlpluscamera

  • Khürt Williams

    HA! HA! This is awesome. I may ask you to do one titled, “I’m sorry _____ , I won’t give you advice on which camera to buy to make your photos look as good as mine”.

    Everything else would remain the same as the “disgruntled photographer” form.

    • lemasney

      We all loved your work at TEDxNJLibs.I’m so very happy you like it, and thanks for the inspiration! Some people think my snark meter is off the charts. 😉

  • JanieH

    I think your snark meter is just fine. In fact, I think you need to a series of these because they are so funny.

    Elizabeth did a great a job at TEDxNJLibs and we were so grateful to have her as an in-kind sponsor for that is the spirit of TED. I hope to be able to work with her again when the budget allows me to pay her what she is worth — which is a lot.

    Okay, now you need to do one for librarians… we are constantly asked to do research (some of it extremely time consuming) and people do not appreciate the skill or time it takes to locate just the right data or articles. Love doing reference work, but really not on my own time for no compensation or understanding of what it takes.

    In fact, I am pretty sure almost every profession needs a Disgruntled form. I see a book in the making.

    • lemasney

      Thanks, Janie! I think a series is quietly emerging. 😉 Elizabeth was amazing, dynamic and professional, for sure. Great idea! I have some good ideas for the other reasons you might not be able to do research, such as unfunded databases. 🙁

  • winewood


    I want to make one for wood workers.

    Like the guy who wants all the plans to my work so he can make them himself
    or why I won’t come over and fix the broken hinge on your pantry door…
    Or the “Friend” that wants to “borrow” your shop tools so he can leave them out in the rain.

  • Sara Kelly Johns

    Thanks to Alice Yucht, I shared this with my son, Ryan Brenizer, who is a professional event photographer…he loved it…THANKS!