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5 thoughts on “81 of 365: I’m sorry, I won’t design your logo for free form by John LeMasney

  • Roch

    I really enjoyed this work. This really hit home and made me understand a little deeper why I can’t seem to work for anyone at the moment, maybe ever again. Of course wallowing in obscurity for so many years begins to take it’s toll. I’ve experienced this kind of attitude so many times it all becomes a blur. Thanks world!

    • lemasney

      I definitely have taken a work-in-life approach, and as such, I’ve become defensive of the balance between life, work, and all the stuff in between. Design for me falls into that middle section, especially because of my deep love for it. So, I do a lot of free work for people in both technology and design, but I have certain internal, intrinsically driven rules for it, such as what the end effect will be for the greater good, whether I know, like and trust the person, and so on. For instance, you and I work together without any mention of payment, but if we had sold that piece at Art All Night, I would like to think both you and I would have been happy with some extra money. At any rate, I think I understand our differences about money, but I like to think that both of our views can be separately and equally justified.